WordPress Updates (Security/Maintenance) Print

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WordPress is a robust, feature rich program.  Like any more complex program, security, feature & performance fixes are published regularly.

We recommend performing regular backups & updates either following our instructions or using our maintenance service.

With most WordPress websites, there are usually no issues upgrading WordPress and any installed plugins.
We do recommend backing up your site first right before you do the upgrades.  Here are some instructions on doing this if you are hosting your website with us.

Or, if you like, we can do the upgrades.  Depending on the complexity of your site, this typically takes up to 3 hours with backup, upgrade, testing, minor fixes, and a bit of project management.  If an issue that will require more work is encountered then we will give you options (including restoring backup & reporting issues to plugin developers).  To request this service, please email support@kobayashi.ca with the details of your account.

In most cases we recommend doing all this directly on your live site.  We do have a more involved upgrade process which involves a development server.  If you think your site is complex enough, or your organization cannot afford a potential error with your website, please do contact us at support@kobayashi.ca to discuss a development/staging/live upgrade flow.

Lastly, we also have yearly upgrade maintenance package, let us know if you'd like us to evaluate your site to see which package you qualify for.

Upgrading WordPress:

  1. We recommend first backing up your website - Here are some instructions: https://www.kobayashionline.ca/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=31
    Note: Save your backup on the server until you are happy with the upgrades.
  2. Now, go into your WordPress admin & perform your upgrades!
  3. If you have any premium plugins, you may need to upload the new version via FTP to upgrade the plugin.
  4. Test your site. Here is some information on testing your site: https://www.kobayashionline.ca/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=30
  5. If all is OK, you can delete the backup file using the FILE MANAGER available in cpanel.

What to do if you have issues:

  1. Let us know and we can give you an estimate on fixing them, or report the issues to any plugin developers for resolution.
  2. If the issue is severe enough, we can restore from the backup you created until the issue is resolved.

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